How Do You Get The Demi-Phoinix Mount? (FFXIV)

The Demi-Phoinix mount is one of the game’s most sought-after mounts because it has mythical powers that come with extremely high-level restrictions on use and demand for them are very rare despite being only available through questing in Final Fantasy XIV Online Realm Reborn (FFXIV). They were made more common to reduce grinding at higher levels but they’re still scarce relative to other mounts in the game, making them some of the highest-priced items around. The Demi-Phoinix was first seen as an egg within A Artifact called “A Primordial Egg” which can be found by completing two main quests: “Disciples of War & Magic 1”. When players kill Bwemba Yassa during this time he drops 4 eggs hinting at their appearances hidden throughout Eorzea. Players must have completed these tasks before speaking with Mika Rinneji who tells players what they need next and where they’ll find each item needed to spawn Phoenicis

The “demi-phoinix mount drop rate” is the question that I am answering. In FFXIV, the demi-phoinix mount can be acquired through various methods. The most common way of acquiring this mount is by completing a quest called “The Demi-Phoenician”.

Pandaemonium Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle drops the Demi-Phoinix Mount (Savage). This is the first tier of the Endwalker Raid series, which was introduced in Patch 6.05.

To even queue for the encounter in Raid Finder, you need an item level of at least i580.

It’s the hardest Level 90 material that is presently accessible in the game (as of this writing).

Savage includes weekly loot lockouts and is a distinct series from the standard Raid series.

This indicates that you only have one chance to earn your Demi-Phoinix per clear. However, the loot restriction will be lifted later, perhaps in the 6.2X patch series.

However, because to the fight’s complexity and loot limitations, it can’t currently be farmable.

Your best option could be to join a group that will go over the material in order.

The battle will become a little bit easier with practice and the right equipment.

But as this is level savage right now, you’ll need to be conversant with mechanics.

Unlocking Pandaemonium’s Gates

You must have completed the Endwalker Main Story Quest before taking your initial steps toward the Demi-Phoinix.

You will have to face the end of existence in the Ultima Thule on the Level 90 quest “Endwalker.”

Good news if you’ve already stopped the evil Song of Oblivion! Now is the midway point.

Find Nemjiji in Old Sharlayan (Old Sharlayan – The Baldesion Annex, X;9 Y:12). You’ll be told to carry out the following:

  • At Aporia (Labyrinthos – Aporia, X:9 Y:28), speak with Claudien.
  • (The Crystarium – The Dossal Gate, X:13 Y:11) Travel to The Ocular and look through the Portal.
  • You may teleport right close to them by speaking with Themis.

When everything is said and done, you’ll pursue a series of missions that are organized as follows:

  • Where Friends Dare
  • Within the Surface
  • Inferno of Creation

First speak to Themis to accept the next Quest Where Friends Dare.

The First Circle of Pandaemonium Asphodelos is unlocked with this quest. You must defeat Erichthonios in this first encounter of the Raid tier in order to go on.

Afterwards, Themis will once again have your next Quest, Within the Surface.

You must vanquish The Hippokampus here. Interestingly, the monster is referenced a several times if you’ve completed Elpis sidequests.

Familiarity aside, crushing the beast will allow you to accept the Inferno of Creation.

Hopefully, this gives you some inspiration since you’ll be killing the Demi-Phoinix directly. But one day you’ll find yourself flying through the air on the bird that repeatedly burnt you to death.

After preparing the Demi-Phoinix, Hesperos, the Pandaemonium warden, will be your opponent. who unquestionably is not Dracula.

You’ll get a dreadful feeling of foreboding once you’ve vanquished him. Along with a Nosferatu Minion, some i580 gear tokens, and.

Now that Savage is unlocked, you’re ready!

The Cruel Raid

Hesperos in his final form inside the Fourth Circle of Pandaemonium / FFXIV

Thankfully, all you’ll need to do to unlock The Cruel Raid Tier is return to Nemjiji (Old Sharlayan – The Baldesion Annex, X:9 Y:12).

You’re now ready to enter Party Finder, umm, Pandaemonium’s terrifying depths (Savage).

The battles are very different from the ones you just beat on the regular tier.

Be careful to make an effort to get acquainted with both the Raids and your Job.

Since all of these nuances cannot be fully addressed here, we will probably produce a separate guide for them. But keep an eye out for more video tutorials, seek up schematics, and be ready to probably mess up a lot.

Once you defeat Hesperos in human form, The Fourth Circle (Savage) engages in a completely different battle.

The Reward of Savagery

The Aporia Pandaemonium Relic Exchange / FFXIV

You’ll gather a lot of items as you struggle through Pandaemonium Asphodelos.

Depending on the floor cleared, you will also get an Asphodelos Mythos I–IV in addition to the equipment.

Should you be unfortunate with treasure, these Mythos may be traded for a variety of things.

There are two NPCs that will sell you goods:

  • (Labyrinthos – Aporia, X:8 Y:28) Mylenie
  • Djole (West Balshahn Bazaar, Radz-at-Han, X:10 Y:10)

Any of them will exchange the following items for your Mythos:

Asphodelos Armament4 × 8 Asphodelos Mythos
Headgear for Asphodelos× 6 of Asphodelos Mythos II
Armor for Ashpodelos4 × 8 Asphodelos Mythos
Accessories Asphodelos× 6 of Asphodelos Mythos II
Leggear of Asphodelos3×8 Asphodelos Mythos
The Asphodelos Shoe× 6 of Asphodelos Mythos II
Accessories Asphodelosx4 Asphodelos Mythos
Roborant’s Radiance3 copies of Asphodelos Mythos
Luminous Twine3 copies of Asphodelos Mythos
Luminous CoatingFour Asphodelos Mythos II

So you’re in luck if you truly like the Greek toga appearance.

Additionally, this gear will be top-of-the-line for the forthcoming Dragonsong War: Ultimate.

But leaving all of that aside, all you have to do to get the Demi-Phoinix Horn is win the treasure roll.

I wish you luck!

The “phoinix ffxiv” is a mount that can be obtained through several methods. Players must complete the quest “The Demi-Phoinix Mount” to obtain it.

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